Friday, March 12, 2010

Well THANKS Clint Eastwood...

This article in the Daily Mail says some stupid Japanese researchers at the stupid Nagasaki University have determined that what I watch on TV is also affecting my unborn 'foetus' (stupid Daily Mail and their stupid British spelling of fetus)...

That would have been nice to know before I watched The Changeling last week. That damn movie was so sad and disgusting and terrifying (and also fantastically directed and scored by the uber-talented Clint Eastwood). At one point during this film The Captain had to unclench my sweaty fingers one at a time from around his crushed hand.

This poor baby...

Also, I'd like to point out that reading these stupid studies RAISES my stress level which the article also points out is pretty farking detrimental...


Have an awesome weekend. I'm going to have a Pixar movie marathon.

post script: my apologies to Japanese researchers in general and the researchers at Nagasaki University specifically. That's just the hormones talking. I'm sure you're all very nice people. Also to the Brits, the way you spell theatre and humour is very charming. But 'foetus' looks gross to me. I don't know why. My apologies to you as well.

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